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Group of children against a wall smiling
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Sobre nós

Our history began with missions in the Philippines, more than twenty years ago. We have made long lasting relationships with so many in that time. Whether they be city leaders, ministers, or the local people. We are on the ground providing food, clothing, education, and much-needed supplies to people who have nowhere else to turn. And best of all, they are hungry for Jesus! We want to not only nourish their bodies but also their souls in every way. Every contribution helps us to buy more food to feed the children, build more housing, provide for those who desperately need medicine. We need to grow food to sustain and nourish when so many are suffering the results of malnutrition.

image of childs face
 Desoladoramente, essas crianças pequenas são expostas ao perigo com tanta frequência que estão em alerta máximo. Sozinhos no calor escaldante, nas chuvas torrenciais, nas ameaças na água potável e na comida. Eles vivem em torno de lixões à procura de comida. Os ladrões pegam qualquer coisa de valor que encontram. Essas crianças estão escondidas em becos, embaixo de veículos estacionados, em valas e embaixo de caixas de papelão.

Every child has the potential to transform our world.
When we work together, we can reach beyond our lives to bring lasting changes that can have great impact from generation to generation.  


Bringing nourishment, love, hope and Jesus to children in poverty.

Toda criança precisa sentir que sua individualidade e singularidade são percebidas e consideradas importantes no mundo. Seus pequenos devaneios estão entrelaçados com expectativas e promessas, admiração e espanto por quem eles são, quem eles se tornarão e o que podem realizar.
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